30 Day Challenges Life Lifestyle Technology

You Got An Anti-social Badge!

In the spirit of gamification – yes I have come to that point of geekiness – I am awarding myself an Anti-social Badge! And for those who don’t know why, it’s because this day marks my 30th consecutive day without social media consumption. Whoopee! I’ll be opening my social accounts for the first time after […]

30 Day Challenges Life Lifestyle Technology

Day 14 Without Social Media

Here I shall explain how it feels like to not be on social media for 14 days. But first off, when I say social media, I mean, mostly, consumption of the top 4 which I find myself mindlessly typing on the browser or tapping on my mobile phone: Twitter (which is my greatest addiction thus […]

Philippines Technology

The First Foursquare Badge in the Philippines

I don’t usually post stories of things that are to come (I am more likely to write about thoughts and experiences than anything) but I am too excited for this to not share it: all ye social media addicts and adventurers out there, the Philippines is finally getting its first country-made badge on Foursquare. During […]