Book 7 of 24 of A Year of Books. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. Read: March 2018. The thing that drives me into reading these types of books is obsession. Obsession of the writer, the scientists, and the discoverers all throughout our time who studied every nook and cranny of the universe […]
Category: Mind
Book 6 of 24 of A Year of Books. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Listened to: March 2018. I signed up to Audible’s 30-day free trial to listen to the Ready Player One audiobook. Normally I like actual reading more. It allows me to speed up and slow down my pace depending on my level […]
Book 5 of 24 of A Year of Books. What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami. Read: March 2018. Last night – which is a Friday night – I spent after hours talking about Haruki Murakami’s memoir while sipping red wine in our office common area. It was our second Book […]
Book 4 of 24 of A Year of Books. Why Be Happy When You Can Be Normal by Jeanette Winterson. Read: February 2018. I told my version – faithful and invented, accurate and misremembered, shuffled in time. I told myself as hero like any shipwreck story. It was a shipwreck, and me thrown on the coastline […]
Book 3 of 24 of A Year of Books. You Are Not A Gadget: A Manifesto. Read: February 2018. We should instead seek to inspire the phenomenon of individual intelligence. “What is a person?” If I knew the answer to that, I might be able to program an artificial person in a computer. But I can’t. […]
Book 2 of 24 of A Year of Books. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Read: January 2018. Everyday, our beagle, Sky would start barking at 5:00am for my dad to take him out to pee. On the weekends, my dad leaves him out in the lanai/garden after his walk. After an hour or […]
Book 1 of 24 of A Year of Books: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Read: January 2018. I love long haul business flights. Being alone forces me to spend time with myself without much disturbance. In the plane I am suspended in the air, disconnected, in a state of being neither here nor there. […]
By now you probably think I’m a total rip off of other people’s ideas. And I am, without doubt or shame. After creating my Life Goals Template, which was inspired by Chris Guillebeau, one of my major goals for the year was also stolen from Mark Zuckerberg’s A Year of Books. In 2015, Mark announced that […]
On Instagram, you post a photo of yourself with closed eyes, arms spread wide, hair blown by the wind, in your cute adventure outfit. In this photo, you are probably at the beach, or at the top of the mountain, or in a new city in another part of the world. The caption says something […]
Beyond Five Stars
We only ever remember stories. This is true when it comes to new places we visit, experiences we try, people we meet, products we use. If you want to build something that’s truly viral you have to create a total mindfuck experience.