
Dogs Can Sing (feat. Scotch)

I don’t think there’s a better way to start your day than watching a fam bam baby singing — especially if that baby is a dog. Meet our talented baby boy, Scotch.

Fun Facts:

  • Name: Zachary Scotch — Zachary because he’s black, and that was the name of the black ranger from Power Rangers when we were kids; Scotch because, well, just because.
  • Also called: Scotch, Scotchie Boy, Baby Boy, Oogly Boy — but he will also respond to the sound of food plastic wrappers.
  • Breed: Terripoo, a Terrier and Poodle hybrid — his hair was newly shaven at the time the video was taken, poor little thing has no hair except for that mustache.
  • Favorite food: Seafood, or “if I seafood, I eat food” — which is everybody’s favorite anyway.
Real Story: I’ll explain it another time. In the meantime, just enjoy the show. 🙂

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