Life New Year Wishes

For You, this 2018: Be Bold As F*ck

Are you a journey or a destination kind of person? I used to ask that question a lot, until I realized they’re one and the same. The destination is the journey is the destination. Everytime I reach a goal or a certain level of success in any aspect of life, there’s always a next level I’d like to attain. Sometimes I desire something else entirely. Everytime I think I’ve found myself, the only thing I find is that I’m lost yet again.

Such is life, I realize. In my 20’s, I attribute the feeling of being lost as part of a crisis. And then I wondered why it was labeled “quarter life crisis” when I experience it every year. It turns out, some people never get found. Or maybe, nobody really ever gets found – but I can’t speak on behalf of the majority.

These days I just embrace it. I embrace my Now, which is, for better or for worse, in a constant state of transition. I get to the next destination with the expectation of getting lost again, and a desire to explore further and reach greater heights. Otherwise, what else is there to do?


That being said, here’s my wish for the coming year:

Dear You,

This year, I wish that you get yourself lost and embrace it. Experience all the Now’s – whether you’re making waves, or riding them, or stumbling over. And as there’s no getting lost without a certain amount of boldness, may you be bold as f*ck. And brave. And mad. Sometimes the limits are all in your mind.

Happy New Year. 


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