Five: The number of tweets I post per hour. Five million: The number of times my thumb slides to refresh Twitter on my iPhone everyday. Okay, fine, that’s an exaggeration.
But to give you an idea of the amount of content I consume everyday through social networks: I currently follow 1,061 people on Twitter and 727 on Instagram. I’m not much of a Facebook user, but as I speak, I have 1,531 friends. I suppose that isn’t even a lot yet, but can you already imagine how many types of food I see everyday?
It’s not that I don’t wanna know what you’re eating – okay, fine, most of the time I don’t – but other than that, during the time I was staring at your Pasta Extraordinaire Foodpornialloni, I could have been doing something else.
For everything that we do, there is something that we are not doing. And I have always wondered what it is that I could have been doing during those hours that I spend everyday, tweeting useless information, deciding which Instagram filter to use on my photos, refreshing my feeds.
It is for this reason (among many, many, many others) that I am locking myself out of social media for thirty days. As of this moment, I have been outside of the tweep loop for roughly 38.5 hours. I feel like a vegetarian. You will still see me though – my blog posts are auto-tweeted and posted on Facebook – but consumption, unless absolutely necessary or required by my job, is down to zero.
If you ever want to talk to me, I have a comments section down here. Otherwise, here’s my e-mail address: vidasioson(at)
P.S. This effort was inspired by Steve Corona, CTO at Twitpic. He wrote about how his effort changed his life here.
6 replies on “30 Days Without Social Media”
Hi Vida!
Hi! I always get excited when I get a response. This is how it feels like to not have Twitter. 🙂
[…] can’t do a full coverage and I wasn’t able to live tweet during the program due to my Social Media Lockout Challenge. But I have a few written notes and iPhone photos which I could share. A bit backward, I suppose, […]
[…] in August 2012, I fasted from social media for thirty days. It was such a cleansing experience. Technology “has no bounds” they say, and so […]
[…] started back in 2012, when I caught myself mindlessly refreshing social network feeds every single second. At that time, I remember I wasn’t even reading the feeds anymore […]
[…] years, I’ve occasionally fasted from social media for 30 days straight (see blog posts from 2012 and 2014). On both times, I’ve learned that by taking time off scrolling down news feeds, I […]