Asia Cambodia World

Temple Raiding at Siem Reap, Cambodia

SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA – Throwback from August 2013.

I had a long blogging hiatus last year, but it doesn’t mean I also had an adventure hiatus. I have been out and about, as I always am, though I’ve reduced my stories to snippets of social media posts which I now only see via Timehop. Blog posts take time to create, especially when they require curating photographs, and I probably just didn’t take the time.

Nevertheless. In the next couple of weeks, there will be quite some throwbacks of places I’ve been, things I’ve done…

In August 11-15, 2013, I went to Siem Reap in Cambodia with some office friends plus plus. I decided against bringing my own camera, so all of these photos were taken conveniently with an iPhone 4S. They aren’t superb, but they should be enough for appreciation purposes.

Siem Reap, Cambodia is all about temples. Temples, temples, temples. First time visitors are bound to be “templed out” as they go from one to another.  But they are beautiful nevertheless, as if they were made by beings from outer space. So I’ll be back for sure, and I’ll bring a more decent camera too.


The whole set can be found on my Flickr.

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