30 Day Challenges Life

February: The Normal That Was

After all the festivities, February was jam packed. A reflection, perhaps, of what normal life used to look like. In the first week, I was in Kuala Lumpur, where I inconveniently developed sniffles on the last day (this scared the shit out of me and I took my last meeting in the hotel room over […]

30 Day Challenges Life

12 Days of Thanks: A Decision to Unblur

The year was a blur. A friend asked me what word I’d use to describe it, and I struggled to find one. I thought there isn’t any English word to describe the feelings I have. That of inhaling and holding your breath for so long, and just wanting to finally exhale it all out. Like […]

30 Day Challenges Body Life Lifestyle

No Sweets for 30 Days: Recalibrating the Palate

I started doing 30 day challenges in 2014. For me, it was just a game. I wanted to see how much discipline I can enforce upon myself either by detoxifying from something I have become addicted to (ex. social media) or adding a habit to my daily routine (ex. journal writing). When it comes to food, I’ve explored […]

30 Day Challenges Life

30-Day Challenges: Freedom from Fried and Hahaha

Georgia O’Keefe died in March 6, 1986 and was born again 9 months later on December 7, 1986 as… Me. Well, isn’t that funny. The truth is I don’t know her. At least not yet.  I was browsing through one of my favorite blogs, Brain Pickings (trust me, this is the perfect place to hang out […]

30 Day Challenges Life Lifestyle

Just Don’t Do It: Subtraction is Creation

Usually we stop doing certain things because they’re bad habits. I consider my Facebook addiction a bad habit, for example, so I got off it for 30 days. 2 years back, I did the same for social media in general. Since then I realized how effective 30-day challenges are in terms of letting go of […]

30 Day Challenges Life Lifestyle Technology

Why Facebook is like Junk Food

I’m one day away from going back to Facebook. I’m not excited. Once in a while I give myself these mini challenges in which I get rid of one thing I’m addicted to for 30 days. Today is my day 29 without Facebook. It started back in 2012, when I caught myself mindlessly refreshing social network feeds every […]

30 Day Challenges Life Lifestyle Technology

You Got An Anti-social Badge!

In the spirit of gamification – yes I have come to that point of geekiness – I am awarding myself an Anti-social Badge! And for those who don’t know why, it’s because this day marks my 30th consecutive day without social media consumption. Whoopee! I’ll be opening my social accounts for the first time after […]

30 Day Challenges Life Lifestyle Technology

Day 14 Without Social Media

Here I shall explain how it feels like to not be on social media for 14 days. But first off, when I say social media, I mean, mostly, consumption of the top 4 which I find myself mindlessly typing on the browser or tapping on my mobile phone: Twitter (which is my greatest addiction thus […]

30 Day Challenges Life Lifestyle Technology

What Did I Miss On Twitter?

There are four things that I missed today, on my fourth day without social media consumption: That Tito Sotto made an interesting speech about the RH Bill. I will need to research on that. And perhaps finally read the full RH Bill text. It isn’t too late, is it? That PAL offers unlimited domestic flights […]

30 Day Challenges Life Lifestyle Technology

30 Days Without Social Media

Five: The number of tweets I post per hour. Five million: The number of times my thumb slides to refresh Twitter on my iPhone everyday. Okay, fine, that’s an exaggeration. But to give you an idea of the amount of content I consume everyday through social networks: I currently follow 1,061 people on Twitter and […]